Ogeechee Riverkeeper (ORK) has partnered with the City of Statesboro and Keep Statesboro-Bulloch Beautiful (KSBB) to reduce litter pollution in Little Lotts Creek. This urban waterway leads to the Canoochee River and then into the Ogeechee River before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.
ORK researched litter trap technology and chose a ‘boom’ style device, which uses a string of floats and a net to capture pieces of litter. The device was designed by Osprey Initiative. There are currently two booms, installed a few yards apart in Little Lotts Creek. By placing them in a series, the second trap can catch items that may have floated over the first.
ORK and KSBB coordinate regular pickups of trash caught by the trap. Items that can be recycled or repurposed are collected by GreenRock Recycling (formerly Boro Recycling). The boom is visible at the Statesboro intersection of Zetterower Ave and Fair Rd (across from CVS).
Other stakeholders for the project include community members with an interest in curbing litter and pollution.
In The News:
OTC Wildlife Club wins award from Ogeechee Riverkeeper (Grice Connect, January 2024)
Groups team up to clean Statesboro waterway (WTOC-TV, July 2021)
Press release (September 2020)
Time lapse video of installation (September 2020)
Riverkeeper, KSBB and city to trap trash in creek on way to Ogeechee (Statesboro Herald, October 2020)
Q&A with Amanda Clements, Executive Director of Keep Statesboro-Bulloch Beautiful – Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation (October 2020)