Download the Tool Kit for Citizens
Unchecked development is one of the most dangerous threats to water quality. Each urbanization impact can create:
- Impervious surfaces, which lead to polluted stormwater and localized flooding
- Litter, which leads to visual and bacterial pollution
- Lost wetland acreage, which lead to unfiltered runoff and loss of wildlife habitat
- Aquifer water withdrawals and the need for wastewater management
- Tree canopy loss and heat islands
When development is allowed to proceed with little or no limitations, these effects multiply exponentially and quickly tip the health of the environment into dangerously unhealthy.
This tool kit is intended as a guide for broad grassroots citizen coalitions to lobby local municipalities and governments to adopt planning and zoning ordinances that address a wide range of concerns, including systemic environmental justice concerns, in an effort to protect both the environment and vulnerable populations.
Download the Tool Kit for Citizens
*NOTE: Every effort has been made to make sure the contacts and links are up-to-date, though it is possible that contacts have changed since the last tool kit update.
Open Records Requests
The Georgia Open Records Act (“GORA”) allows all citizens to view the “public
records” of state agencies, upon request, and to make copies of such records for a
nominal fee. Any person, firm, corporation or other entity may request records under the statute and sue to enforce compliance with its provisions. O.C.G.A. § 50-18-73(a).
Citizens are able to request documents related to developments, permits, plans and more. Requests need to be addressed to the proper person/department and should be as specific as possible to the project/location.
A template letter is available for download. Replace highlighted portions with information specific to request.