RELEASE: ORK secures reevaluation of Megasite permits

Contact: Meaghan Walsh Gerard
Communications and Administrative Director

USACE: Reevaluation of permit is “warranted”

Ogeechee Riverkeeper (ORK) received a letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) confirming that a “reevaluation of its permit decision regarding its effects determination for water supplies is warranted.” ORK made this assertion in its letter of intent (LOI) to sue. ORK filed the LOI with the assertion that USACE overlooked water supply concerns during the permitting process of the Hyundai Megasite in June of 2024. 

These reevaluation letters from the USACE confirms ORK’s assessment of the permit and supporting documents. It also confirms that the human and environmental impacts from supplying water to the Megasite were not considered in the initial permitting decision, primarily due to the lack of information provided by the Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority (JDA) in their application.

The reevaluation decision requests that JDA provide the USACE with an impact assessment of the Megasite’s water supply wells. JDA will need to show that the wells won’t have impacts on the Floridan Aquifer, those who rely on it, and the aquatic resources and environment. The assessment will also include “any groundwater and surface water modelling/data that has been collected.” USACE will then assess that report and determine if the permit needs to be adjusted. Depending on the findings, JDA may also be required to compensate for any resulting impacts.

“These considerations should have been taken into account from day one,” says Damon Mullis, riverkeeper and executive director of ORK, “but we are encouraged to see that the USACE will finally review these issues in full. Once all of the data is on the table, we urge the Corps to independently and vigorously vet and verify this information in its reevaluation, and to be transparent with the public during this reevaluation process.” ORK will also continue to carefully monitor the Corps’ reevaluation process.

“We are proud of our small organization,” added Ben Kirsch, ORK’s legal director. “This action is a response to our watchdog efforts and continued advocacy. Without our efforts, those impacts and effects might not have ever been in front of or considered by the Army Corps of Engineers. Importantly, it puts future applicants on notice that both ORK and the Corps will make sure every step of every project is fully considered and protective of our water resources.”

The reevaluation letters from USACE, ORK’s letter of intent to sue, permit applications, and all documents and data are publicly available at

About Ogeechee Riverkeeper: Ogeechee Riverkeeper 501(c)(3) works to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality of the Ogeechee River basin, which includes all of the streams flowing out to Ossabaw Sound and St. Catherine’s Sound. The Canoochee River is about 108 miles long and the Ogeechee River itself is approximately 245 miles long. The Ogeechee River system drains more than 5,500 square miles across 21 counties in Georgia. More at


23 AUG 2024_Corps Response to ORK re 9 Aug 24 meeting

23 AUG 2024_Reevaluation Letter to JDA

08.2024 – USACE reeval permit press release – PDF

RELEASE: ORK to submit official comments to GA EPD on wells

Contact: Meaghan Walsh Gerard
Communications and Administrative Director

Draft permits do not address known concerns and issues 

Ogeechee Riverkeeper (ORK), a nonprofit focused on preserving water quality in the Ogeechee River basin, plans to submit comments to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) regarding draft groundwater withdrawal permits for Bryan and Bulloch Counties, intended to supply the Hyundai Megasite and other users. ORK is concerned that the EPD’s review of these permits is inadequate, particularly regarding the impact on the Floridan Aquifer, the effectiveness of conservation measures, and the management of the Well Mitigation Fund.

Key concerns include:

Impact on Aquifer and Rivers: ORK questions the EPD’s assumptions about the lack of hydraulic connection between the Floridan Aquifer and local rivers and springs. Reductions in aquifer levels could negatively affect the Ogeechee and Savannah Rivers and tributaries, as well as endangered species like the Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon.

Conservation Measures: The draft permits lack substantive water conservation plans, relying instead on promises of future actions. ORK urges the EPD to require detailed, actionable conservation measures before issuing permits.

Mitigation Fund: ORK insists the plans for the Well Mitigation Fund need detailed, effective mechanisms for addressing adverse impacts on local wells and water users. There is also a need for stronger enforcement provisions and clear definitions of terms related to impacts.

Transition to Alternative Sources: ORK argues that the proposed 25-year timeline for transitioning to alternative water sources is too long and suggests a shorter, more urgent timeline similar to successful projects elsewhere.

Overall, ORK requests that the EPD deny the permit applications until these issues are resolved, ensuring that all potential impacts are thoroughly reviewed and mitigated.

The public are encouraged to submit their own comments to EPDComments by Tuesday, August 20.

A copy of ORK’s full comment letter will be available after August 20, 2024.

Not sure how to start on a comment letter? Use this guide or use this email form.

About Ogeechee Riverkeeper: Ogeechee Riverkeeper 501(c)(3) works to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality of the Ogeechee River basin, which includes all of the streams flowing out to Ossabaw Sound and St. Catherine’s Sound. The Canoochee River is about 108 miles long and the Ogeechee River itself is approximately 245 miles long. The Ogeechee River system drains more than 5,500 square miles across 21 counties in Georgia. More at


PDF of press release

RELEASE: ORK files report, gets Sun Hill Creek cleaned up

Contact: Meaghan Walsh Gerard
Communications and Administrative Director

B-H Transfer in Sandersville allowed plastic pellets, soda ash into creek 

Ogeechee Riverkeeper (ORK) conducted an investigation and entered a complaint with Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) regarding plastic pellets found in the Sun Hill Creek, a tributary of the Ogeechee River, located in Sandersville, Washington County, Georgia. ORK found the source to be B-H Transfer on Waco Mill Road and filed the complaint on February 16. As of July 11, 2024, the cleanup has been completed, mitigation efforts are installed, and additional buffer planting is scheduled for autumn.

According to As You Sow, “plastic pellets are produced by petrochemical chemical companies and transported to plastic manufacturing facilities where they are melted down and shaped into a final product. … An estimated ten trillion plastic pellets are swept into waterways annually, adding to harmful levels of plastic pollution in the environment.”

Alongside ORK, GA EPD confirmed the presence and source of the plastic pellets. They also found evidence of soda ash washing into storm drains and into the creek. GA EPD subsequently required the B-H Transfer operation located on Sandersville Railroad Company yard to submit safety data sheets and provide a corrective action plan (CAP). 

At the March 25, 2024 enforcement conference, B-H Transfer requested and was granted an extension to submit their CAP until May. It was submitted to GA EPD on May 8, 2024, and it noted their efforts to remove plastic pellets from the creek and from neighboring parcels. In May 2024, GA EPD noted B-H Transfer installed screens at storm drains and verified a buffer restoration plan was in place.

According to the July 11, 2024 note, GA EPD stated: “300 gallons of plastic pellets had been recovered and 98% removed from downstream property and waterway. Twenty-one tons of spilled soda was also clean-up [sic] in the railcar loading area and sent to Wolf Creek Landfill. … An industrial stormwater permit application has been submitted for the site and should be issued soon. The stream buffer disturbance is being handled by the City of Sandersville Local Issuing Authority (LIA) for Erosion & Sedimentation Control for further compliance.”

ORK will continue to monitor the sites downstream to ensure compliance. 

A full report, images, and additional documents are available here:

About Ogeechee Riverkeeper: Ogeechee Riverkeeper 501(c)(3) works to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality of the Ogeechee River basin, which includes all of the streams flowing out to Ossabaw Sound and St. Catherine’s Sound. The Canoochee River is about 108 miles long and the Ogeechee River itself is approximately 245 miles long. The Ogeechee River system drains more than 5,500 square miles across 21 counties in Georgia. More at


PDF of release: 07.2024 – Plastic pellets Sandersville

RELEASE: ORK files Letter of Intent to sue USACE

Contact: Meaghan Walsh Gerard
Communications and Administrative Director

Letter cites insufficient diligence in Megasite permitting 

Ogeechee Riverkeeper (ORK), dedicated to the protection and preservation of the water resources of the Ogeechee Basin, filed a letter of intent to sue the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and others for not completing required steps and overlooking  water supply concerns during the permitting process of the Hyundai Megasite.

Previously called the Bryan County Megasite, the 2541-acre site is located near Ellabell in Bryan County, Georgia. The site sits on the edge of Black Creek, which flows directly into the Ogeechee River. Prior to its development, the area was home to a variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitats including ~625 acres of forested and scrub-shrub wetland, as well as streams.

The Clean Water Act requires USACE to collect pertinent information and analyze permit requests that impact or disturb “Waters of the U.S.”, which includes wetlands. ORK investigated official documents and found that despite major updates and changes to Megasite permit requests between 2019 and 2022, USACE did not reconsider these additional substantial impacts.

USACE is also responsible for considering the impacts of aquifer water withdrawals resulting from the applied-for action. Documents show that the agency accepted vague or nonexistent information regarding expected water usage, rather than insisting on specifics or conducting its own analysis. The application stated that the amount of water needed was “unknown,” yet USACE determined, “it would be reasonable to assume that the Bryan County supply is adequate” and “ would not require water withdrawals or a permit from Georgia EPD.” 

“We found that the steps taken did not fully assess the available information, or did not consider it at all,” Ben Kirsch, ORK’s legal director said. “There was an assumption that existing water utilities could meet the demand, but it’s the job of USACE to challenge that assumption and require more of the applicant.”

Furthermore, ORK contends that the Megasite project piecemeal review prevented the full scope of impacts from being considered by agencies or the public. The resulting approach failed the basic purpose of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and calls the entire process and approval into question.

“One of ORK’s directives is to be a watchdog for water resources and make sure permitting processes are done correctly, ” Damon Mullis, riverkeeper and executive director said. “When we find out that permit applicants withhold important information in an application and the permitting agency hasn’t done their due diligence, we will call them out and use the law to hold them accountable.”  

ORK also names the Department of the Treasury in the letter, as it disbursed millions of dollars in infrastructure funding without adhering to the NEPA requirements. 

Ogeechee Riverkeeper seeks the immediate halt in construction or development activity connected to the improperly issued permit until resolved. ORK also insists federal funding be frozen until the required environmental analyses are completed. Finally, ORK seeks the restoration of any and all environmental damage resulting from the improper approvals.

A copy of the letter of intent to sue and other related documents are available at

About Ogeechee Riverkeeper: Ogeechee Riverkeeper 501(c)(3) works to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality of the Ogeechee River basin, which includes all of the streams flowing out to Ossabaw Sound and St. Catherine’s Sound. The Canoochee River is about 108 miles long and the Ogeechee River itself is approximately 245 miles long. The Ogeechee River system drains more than 5,500 square miles across 21 counties in Georgia. More at


RELEASE: Green Truck hosts fundraiser for ORK

Contact: Meaghan Walsh Gerard
Communications and Administrative Director

The business will match donations on June 18 

Green Truck Neighborhood Pub is partnering with Ogeechee Riverkeeper (ORK) for Membership Month by hosting a Community Night on Tuesday, June 18. From 5 p.m. – 9 p.m., Green Truck will match donations made to ORK that day and donate a portion of total sales. ORK staff will be on hand to answer questions and share information about the organization’s work. 

“As a local, sustainable business, we are proud to support an organization working for clean waters in our communities,” owner Whitney Shephard says. “This is a really simple way for neighbors to help neighbors. Just come in for dinner, and make a donation while you’re here. That’s it.”

“Green Truck Pub is a perfect real-world example,” says Damon Mullis, ORK executive director and riverkeeper. “They are an environmentally-conscious, sustainable, award-winning, and successful neighborhood business. Plus they offer great food and beer.”

View the event

ORK will have a table with information about its efforts to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality in the basin, with an emphasis on the local Protect The Vernon project. Staff will also be on hand to answer questions, share volunteer opportunities, and more. 

Membership numbers are crucial to ORK’s legislative efforts, grant applications, legal challenges, and more. The annual membership drive underlines the importance of demonstrating constituent support of ORK’s work. 

Event details:

About Ogeechee Riverkeeper: Ogeechee Riverkeeper 501(c)(3) works to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality of the Ogeechee River basin, which includes all of the streams flowing out to Ossabaw Sound and St. Catherine’s Sound. The Canoochee River is about 108 miles long and the Ogeechee River itself is approximately 245 miles long. The Ogeechee River system drains more than 5,500 square miles across 21 counties in Georgia. More at
